Friendliness and positivism are inherent values to the Mediterranean culture. Today we start a new series of facts around sustainability, a new manifesto with the aim of inspiring environmentally-friendly attitudes around the world.
Let’s write together the journey to a more respectful society.
Chapter #1 – Proximity
“Is there a greater way to look for sustainability than keep on developing the local industry? For Viccarbe, it’s been 20 years focusing the production around the marvelous city of Valencia and avoiding unnecessary transports between all our suppliers.
But the only constant is change. And that has just been the starting point of a long-term project…”
Chapter #2 – Packaging
Let’s not forget our packaging… It’s not just about the product itself, but also about the way it has been protected and transported to its final destination.
Years ago, our Quality team decided to reduce the impact on the environment by implementing boxes made at least of 80% recycled cardboard.
Chapter #3 – Making every product’s life-cycle longer
The pursuit of innovation and sustainability comes not only when devising new products, but also when offering the possibility of replacing specific parts of a piece of furniture, making the products’ life cycle longer and minimizing the waste of energy in the productive process.
Chapter #4 – Wood, the origins of the industry
In average, the wood from oak trees allows furniture pieces to last the double of time than the ones made with wood from fast-growing trees. Since the very beginning of Viccarbe’s journey, we only use wood from controlled and sustainable logging in Europe in our production.Quality over quantity… the future will be reserved for those who hard work for a better world. With no place to doubt, we want to write part of this story.
Chapter #5 – Plastic, the evolution
Plastic is not the enemy. It’s a clever ingredient when designing affordable, democratic and long-lasting furniture. But it needs to be recyclable and -if possible- recycled.
Its lightness, easy-clean surface and resistance to environmental changes such as temperature or natural light, allow us to keep these furniture pieces made of polypropylene during decades. It’s all about durability…
Chapter #6 – Fabrics do matter as well
When producing a new furniture piece, it’s important to focus on sustainability in every single component. The conversation should not be exclusively about plastic or wood…
That’s the reason why we decided to offer a selection of graded-in fabrics 100% made of recycled materials, such as polyester. What’s more: these sustainable fabrics are available from the entry price of upholstered products.
Chapter #7 – Pass the test of time
We believe that industrial design itself, as a discipline, should bring sustainability on the stage as an inherent value of each new product.
Contemporary, timeless, and long-lasting design perfectly matches with the necessity of stop using natural resources in a careless way. Good design should be capable of passing the test of time, just as the wise teachings of ancient cultures that we still learn and apply nowadays.
Chapter #8 – Sustainability understood as a whole
2007 was the year when we received the ISO 14001 certification, thanks to our excellence in environmental management. This long-term challenge has brought us to take decisions such as changing our electricity company: today we can proudly say that the total amount of electricity used in our headquarters comes from renewable energy sources.
This is only a small part of what we do at Viccarbe to create a much more conscious interior design industry. We continuosly strive and work on new and better learnings and actions that will strengthen our commitment with the environment in all the areas of Viccarbe.